Monday, May 5, 2008


Our little man turned 5 today...
WOW! We started the morning off with yummy cinnamon rolls (did I mention they were so warm they melted the candles, hmmm) which everyone loved -YEEEUMM!

A family tradition around our place is the early morning serenade via phone from the other family members. No matter where we are, you can always count on the serenade. Brayden enjoyed his call fom PaPaw, Lainey and Sho Sho during breakfast.

After a long day of waiting, Lainey and Papaw came over with a gift before our outing to Incredible Pizza. Brayden has his very own IPOD (Ok, so maybe it is a Philips but it plays music, vidoes and radio....Brayden was THRILLED! Chance loaded a few videos of the kids on it before they gave it to him....they just love watching themselves!!
More festivities to up- SUPERHERO TRAINGIN CAMP!

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