Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Domestic Godess

What Is A Domestic Goddess??
A Domestic Goddess is a SAHM, a homemaker, a housewife, but instead of saying "Yeah I'm a stay at home mom..." She should say
"I'm a Domestic Goddess"
She cleans
She cooks
She wipes noses, teary eyes, tushies, and anything else that needs it
She gives the kisses to boo boos
She gets the kids ready for school
She's a taxiShe's a dictionary
She's a fashion director
She does the never ending laundry
She does the billsShe does the dishes
She goes to all the dr's appointments, teacher meetings
She takes care of her husband (which is the BIGGEST job of all)

BUT the part that makes her a goddess is..............
She isn't perfect, but her hubby treats her like she is
She's proud of what she does
She's got imagination and creativity
She makes herself IRRESISTABLE to her hubby
She EMBRACES her life and lives it to the fullest
She has a wild side
She always tries looks good... no frumpy stained t-shirts and sweats (well at least not when she goes out...)
She isn't some humdrum Susie Homemaker and doesn't want to be... she wants to be a rockin' version of Martha
most importantly, SHE'S HAPPY wth her life
"Inside EVERY woman is a goddess.." LET YOURS OUT!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.

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