Sunday, February 24, 2008

Yeah for vaccines!

I think we are definitely on the uphill from our chicken pox scare. Brayden was totally clear, aside from a few red marks left on his skin and Kennedy is drying up very fast. Neither went past the pimply phase which is fantastic! I can only attribute the escape from 10 days of misery to the well baby vaccinations... sounds good to me! Thanks to everyone who has been checking in on us! We will be around soon!!


Cindy said...

I'm still waiting on the pics! Just kidding. I talked to Chance yesterday morning at Church and he said you all were doing much better. Glad to hear that and look forward to seeing you around soon! :)

Cheryl said...

I can't find the Hula monkey sign on your website anymore. Do you still have it? I'm still interested in that and the sign that says no more monekys jumpin on the bed. I would like to see the picture of the hula monkey if you still have it. Hope the kids get to feeling better soon!


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